
What is the difference between structured content and semantic HTML?

Structured content is a visual design approach that clumps content together to be legible for the user.

Semantic HTML is a markup that uses semantic tags to structure pages in a way more legible to algorithms.

How do they work together?

They work together to make webpages more accessible to both users and search engines, improving readability.

Why is it important to have structured content and semantic HMTL in your webpages?

To improve readability for both users and search engines. It's important that the pages are visually interesting for the users but it's equally, if not more so, important for search engines and algorithms to use the linked data to make the data easily accessible to the users trying to access it.

Three websites that are similar to my semester project idea:
  1. This website is an archival of models, sprites, sounds and textures from old video games
  2. The wiki from the Game Dev subreddit
  3. An article that ranks rigging tutorials

Reading questions

Denise Jacobs argues that we all have a troll-like inner critic. Of the methods she identifies to banish this troll, which would be most successful for you? Why?

A combination of being non-commital and being intentionally bad at something usually helps me at least a bit.

In David McRaney's article, what is "hyperbolic discounting"? List one method McRaney identifies to counteract hyperbolic discounting. Which would work best for you?

hyperbolic discounting is going for the immediate gratification and pushing other things off for later, "because there will be more time for it later".
One method he talked about is seeing yourself now and your "future self" and knowing not to trust your future self,
who will also want to do what your now self wants to do. This has definitely worked for me in the past, and hopefully it will now, instead of in the future.